Thursday, March 31, 2016

Goals and hoof trimming!

Last night I spent my time trimming my horses hooves. I've been doing it myself for a few months now, however I still get the farrier out every now again just to make sure I'm doing everything right. So far there have been no problems. Spud, Poppy and Goldrush all have hard really good hooves. However Sophie has typical Thoroughbred feet. As her training progresses I will probably get front shoes put on her if need be, but for now she is doing well barefoot.

The idea of this post was to share with you my goals for the remainder of this year. Daylight savings ends for us this weekend and I only have one more competition left for this season..... Sad face

My beautiful sweet mare. 

- Get basic flatwork established 
- Work on getting her used to leg contact, the handful of times I've ridden her lately (after her rehabilitation) has showed that she is extremely sensitive to leg contact. As soon as she feels my leg touch her sides she shakes her head pins her head and threatens to buck. Pain is not her issue I think its bad experiences from her past that need to be worked through. 
- Keep her ticking over nicely through winter. 
- Start some little jump schooling 
- Later after winter take her to some low level schooling shows. 


My spunky little legend. 

- Keep up with fitness work between trainings
-  Do well at our last competition, at North Island Pony Club Teams Champs at the end of April 
- Give him a couple of months break over winter 


My handsome little baby. 

- Get him wearing a cover more regularly, so he is comfortable in one come winter.
- Keep him ticking over through winter 
- Buy him a new bit (the mildest bit possible a straight mouth snaffle I think it is)
- Continue his games training, neck reining, turning round barrels, stopping, backing up all without contact with his mouth. 
- Get him used to scary games equipment, like flags, bottles, cartons and all that. 
- Start popping him over little jumps. 
- Get him out and about on trailer rides. 


My forever one-in-a-millon

- Buy her a really nice Western bridle I'm eyeing up
- Carry on with lots of bareback hacking 
- Find her new grazing when I move
- Teach her more tricks
- Carry on developing our liberty and bareback and bridleless work. 

What are all your goals for the rest of the year??


L.Williams said...

Sounds like really good goals :)

Liz said...

I don't know how you manage to keep up with 4! Very impressive. Good luck.